Saturday, September 22, 2012

All Is All?

One of the things Amway distributors will tell you is how tools are optional in the Amway business. Amway says this and many Amway AMO leaders do too. One of the things I remember hearing was how an IBO "needed" to attend "all" functions. So many IBOs asked the upline questions such as what if my brothers is getting married and the wedding is on the sAme day as a function? Or what if my kid has a soccer game or an event that was scheduled on the same day as a function? The answer from that upline was simple. "All means all". He was wrong!

An upline may teach you that God is #1, spouse is #2, kids #3, job #4 and Amway is a distant #5. That's what they say and that should be really what they mean. Onetime there was a conflict and I heard the upline say "all means all". Meaning that one needed to attend all functions! Most Amway distributors are quick to jump in and claim this doesn't happen or that they have never heard it, yet it did happen to me and I sometimes worry that this is still happening in some other AMO groups. Sure some upline might be better than others, and in the end, most uplines want their downlines to succeed and if possible attend all functions, but not at the expense of the IBO’s profitability. 

I recall an IBO who had worked hard and was very profitable. He was given the same answer about "all means all". That particular upline only wanted him to believe that hard work equals success. In Amway, hard work does guarantee success. And I believe it is because an Amway IBO is basically a commissioned salesperson and in that kind of business, hard work should never go unrewarded. It is not just a matter of working hard, you also need to work smart to claim the rewards at all times. It is because Amway's products are so easy to sell and along with Amway IBOs ethical behaviour makes it easier to find people who are interested in Amway. Thus even finding someone to see the Amway sales plan is no great challenge. 

What does your upline say about attending meetings and functions? Do they advise you to pick and choose the ones you can afford or do they tell you that you should attend "all". Do they look at your business profitability before advising you to do they ask you to trust their guidance and leadership? Do they advise you to buy other tools in the same manner? That is advising you to be on voicemail or standing order without knowing about your business parameters? Do they really want your success? Keep in mind that your upline should always want you to make much more money than them you’re your Amway business. What say you now?

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